Teens everywhere have proven to be suffering from severe electronic addictions.

We’ve all had it happen. We say something to the teen whose head is buried in their phone, or tablet, or video game, and they are not even aware that we spoke their name. Adolescents, in general, are not keen on listening when their parents speak, but adding in a very-distracting (and far more entertaining) electronic source never helps matters. And parents know, that once they’ve finished talking (or even before), the teen’s eyes will glaze over once again and the attention will be sucked back into the various social media, texts, and games that are now such an integral art of 21st century life. 

Why is My Teen So Addicted to Electronics?

Kids of all ages—and let’s face it, adults too—are finding it next to impossible to shut off their electronics and go without it. One Huff Post article explained it as this: “It's no surprise that kids of all ages can get addicted to their electronic toys. That's because every text that a kid sends or receives, every Facebook ‘like,’ and every point scored during a video game creates a little hit of the feel-good chemical dopamine. This is the same rush that a drug addict gets from a hit of cocaine  . . . What's more, heavy exposure to TV or other rapid-paced media may rewire kids' brains to crave constant stimulation. So over time, it can get harder and harder for them to enjoy slower-paced activities like reading. For many kids, real life is a bore while virtual life is a high.”

What Can Be Done About My Teen’s Electronic Addiction?

Some parents might think that taking away any and all electronic access is a good idea—it will force them to do something else, right? Not necessarily. And then, when they regain access, they’ll go crazy and the cycle starts all over again.

Electronics run our world and will only get more integral to our daily activities of living as the years go by. Banning electronics in your homes will not stop the overall progression, and leave both your and your teens a little behind the curve. Especially as they mature and leave the house for jobs and higher education, they need to know not only how to use these devices—but how to manage their personal time effectively.

What can a parent do about the electronic "take over"?


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Admin User
Admin User

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